
Hi, my name is Chris Nordling and I am on a mission to make user experiences better. In this blog you’ll find solutions for problems that you’ve likely encountered on the web or in software – user experience problems. Normally these solutions cost a lot of money and time, and companies vie for them to give a competitive advantage, but I’m publishing them here for free.


A) I want you, the user, to demand better design. As more and more of our lives are moved to the web and mobile devices, you have a right to a good experience. If you see a solution here that may work well in a piece of software you use, I encourage you to send the solution to the software developer and ask them to implement it.

2) I want to make sure these ideas are public and dated. If any weasel tries to patent something I created, I want this blog to serve as “prior art”. I am happy to supply any attorney the dated materials that lead to each solution and/or sign an affidavit that I created these things on the date of each posting (in the case that someone has prior prior art, that just means I invented it independently, just a bit after someone else).

III) Money. Sure, most of the ideas here will get ripped off, and if that means a better UX community, great. If, on the other hand, you are a developer or CEO in waiting and want to build something you see here, get in touch and we can negotiate a nominal ‘take down’ price. I can’t guarantee you won’t be racing someone else to making something they saw here, but I can make this information invisible except to requesting attorneys (see #2 above).

D) Employment. I’m actually employed full time, but if you have a job that is on the beach in Hawaii and pays $Millions or perhaps in Amsterdam paying Millions€, please take a look at my case studies doc and get in touch below.

I am getting visitors from Australia and Brazil and Denmark – all over the world! Please drop a line and say hi.

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